Saturday, August 17, 2019

Training Log: Entry 2493


(6) Mat pulls
5x135 in suit straps down
5x225 straps down
3x315 straps down
1x405 straps down
1x495 straps down
0x585 straps up
1x585 raw
1x635 raw
1x655 raw

GIANT SETS (dead-hyper-squat)

(2) Axle deficit deadlifts (deadstop) 333lbs

Reverse hyper 330

SSB front squats 145lbs

Notes: 3:45 between heavy pulls.  Gave the suit a good honest try, and it's just not for me right now.  Takes forever to get into the damn thing, and my pulling style is not a good fir for it.  I'm certain if I got with a crew and had a watchful eye I could learn how to make the most of it, but it's just not the way I care to train at the moment.  Burnt up a lot of time and energy getting it on, which made the rest of the workout suck, but gives me something to look forward to for the next week.  The 655 was a real max effort pull, which was redeeming.  Woulda liked to have moved more weight, but effort was solid.

Circuit was appropriately grueling.  I am a fan of how I've structured this, because even if I'm not seeing quite the top end strength I'd like, I'm getting strong pulling at all sorts of heights and angles, and feeling less beat up from it. 

Had a cheatmeal of a Chik-fil-a spicy chicken sandwich and fries. Been a long time since I've had a combo meal in full.  It was pleasant.

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