Friday, March 6, 2020

Training Log: Entry 2625



High handle trap bar pulls
Daylight but no rep x700

Notes: 3:45 between heavy pulls.  Worked nights again, came home, 4.5 hours of sleep, protein bar and a rockstar and went at it.  I got out of position on the 700, which is frustrating but not at the same time.  Typically, if I can crack something off the floor, I can get it locked out, so this was a first that it DIDN'T happen, but it meant I had the ability still to get it off the floor.  Part of it is the poor sleep and nutrition, but I also think the weight gain has altered my leverages a touch and I need to find what is better for me as far as singles goes.  Buddy of mine pointed out how the best technique for reps isn't always the best technique for singles, with Mark Felix being a fantastic example of a dude that can crush it on deads for reps but doesn't have the sort of performance you'd expect when singles come up.

In that regard, the set of 12 for 585 was outstanding, and a real morale booster.  Cool to see all the rep work from the supplemental paying off.  I haven't done any car dead simulator proper this cycle, but stuff like this makes me feel pretty confident going in.

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