Tuesday, April 9, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3225

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/24kg bell

2.3 mile walk w/80lb vest (2.9 MPH stride, .2 better than average)

100x180lb reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts

2 sets of neck harness work

3x10 standing ab wheel


* I continue to appreciate the ability to get in these walks between workouts.  I’m really needing this pace of training these days.  And though I woke up stiff from the race, I’m definitely not as broke down as I’ve been.

* Focused on a quicker stride today and it worked out.  Wanting to make the walk a bit more “intentional” and not just a stroll.  

* That reverse hyper set was transformative.  There’s a legit conditioning effect when the reps get that high.

* I’ve noticed I’ve let the 300 squats and 300 push ups a day fall off, and I’m ok with that.  I’m also happy that I’m ok with that.  Having lost the compulsion for daily numbers is a win in and of itself.

* The walk gave me lots of time to think about things.  I realize I’m not as lean as I was last year, but I’m bigger and stronger, and I feel like my caffeine consumption plays a role in that.  I was all aboard the Jamie Lewis famine train of taking in a ton of caffeine when I was following Feast/Famine/Ferocity, but as I transitioned more toward carnivore, my caffeine sources just didn’t jive with that lifestyle.  I’ve gone from over a gram of caffeine a day to 2 green teas with a LOT of water to dilute it.  I imagine it’s given my adrenals a break and made me NOT so full of cortisol that I can actually grow and recover.  Also see my deadlift coming back and how it correlates with that reverse hyper coming back into the programming too.  In general, it's been a very interesting year.  I effectively cut myself down to my total baseline, from 201lbs to 165, and have been gradually building myself back, but doing so the "right way" for me.  I had previously achieved these results using a lot of approaches that were a poor fit for me, and I suffered the consequences for it.    

* Saw a competition in July that has my interest.  I’ll have to see if my schedule works out for it.

* Tang Soo Do on the schedule tonight, assuming I get out of work on time.


  1. GasPumperAssHumperApril 10, 2024 at 3:35 PM

    You'd previously blown off the Rogue Reverse Hyper Scout as being for casual home-workout moms but here you are getting a solid workout on a Reverse Hyper with a similar weight to what the Rogue Reverse Hyper Scout can hold. What's up with that though?

    1. My Scout could NOT handle that much load.

    2. GasPumperAssHumperApril 11, 2024 at 7:50 AM

      I see. I was unaware that you'd actually owned or tried one.

    3. Yup. Back when they called it the CorEvolution.
