Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Training Log: Entry 38

Training program is under process of totally being revamped from the beggining of this log.  Changes are as follows:

Am finally able to do several leg exercises that were unavailable due
to stress fracture on left ankle.  As a result, I am currently
training my kicks and able to do weighted leg exercises.

Having received video tape of my sparring "performance" has revealed to
me that I have been doing too much aimless bag training without aid of
a training partner with focus pads.  My punches do not snap back,
and instead are more of a slow push rather than a quick "pop".  As
such, my major focus whenever I do any sort of boxing training is to
pop my hands back as fast as possible when punching.  This results
in a less "satisfying" feeling, but I know I'll appreciate the results.

Punching speed is "faster than a speeding building".  As such, I
have encorperated more shadowboxing into my program, so that I can
develop punching speed independent of heavybag (which seems to
encourage bad habits).

Hands drop, once again a byproduct of having to train by myself. 
It's become a major focus when hitting the heavy bag.  I will
attempt to record my training for my own benefit.

Amazingly, kick game has not deteriorated in spite of it's lack of
training, but my hands are still dropping majorly with this.  Once
again, another focus.

Have gone from 5 minute rounds to 3 minute rounds on the bag.  I
decided that the increased stamina was not worth the decreased
techincal skills that comes with "slugging" on the bag once I'm
winded.  I'd rather practice with "perfect" form for 3 minutes
than less than perfect form for 5 minutes.  I'll get my stamina
from my cardio.

And speaking of which, I'm actually impressed with how well my cardio
has been doing during my matches.  The 2-3 weeks of HIIT
beforehand was definitely a help, but even when I had been slacking I
still managed to do alright for myself when it came to some 3 minute
rounds of sparring.  I don't want to give up though.  If
anything, I NEED more cardio, mainly because the techical skills are
still very poor, thus conditioning is going to need to be my advantage
until that improves.  With my new class schedule, I should be able
to get some cardio in during the morning.

I desperately need to attend my martial arts classes.  School got
complicated, but there's really no excuse beyond this.  Hopefully
I can work some rides out.  Not only am I missing instruction, but
I'm gathering a huge amount of ring rust from sparring only every 3
months or so.

Amazingly, after 2+ years out of wrestling, I still hold onto some of
the instincts.  I managed a cross-face cradel in one of my
sparring matches over break.  I'm still muscling everything
though.  I honestly fear the day I encounter a stronger

I'm going to be doing my best to make sure said day never happens
though.  I am restructing my lifting entirely.  As of this
point, I don't have the specifics, but the general split will be
Day 1: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders-weights
Day 2: Back/Traps/Biceps-weights
Day 3: Legs/Abs-weights
Day 4: Rest
Day 5: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders-bodyweight exercises (BWEs)
Day 6: Back/Traps/Biceps-BWEs
Day 7: Legs/Abs-BWEs

Said program should give me a good balance of both muscular strength
and endurance without bodybuilding.  I'm actually very excited
about this program, and will post the results of whether or not it
"works".  I still have time to figure out how exactly I'm going to
play it out.

Need to work my abs.  A lot.  Extremely weak area. 
There's just so many schools of thought out there though.  I'm
contemplating BWEing them everyday except my lifting day, but I
honestly don't know the best method to go about it.  I need strong
abs for those body shots.

For those of you who have been reading, this a summary of how I've
changed in the past few months since said journal has been
started.  I might make a habit of doing a sesmester evaluation.


  1. I'm Erik the Red from gamefaqs.I admire your dedidcation. You're really focused!Also, man - you're pretty cut. What's your non-martial arts fitness routine?

  2. a suggestion for those abs.
    What you'll need is a buddy and a medicine ball. Stand upright and with your hand behind your head. Have your friend swing the medicine ball into your abs. This will build your capacity for hits and also give you major gains on your abdominal explosive strength. My friend said they did this in Muay Thai back when Daily City Fairtex was still up. I've tried it and it worked for me. Painful somewhat, but as long as your friend isn't drilling you with it, you should notice some gains.
    If that sounds too crazy then have your friend stand on your feet while you are in situp position (once again hands behind the head to begin with). Let him drop the ball(or slightly lob it) into your abs. Grab the ball and bring it up to your chest. Situp and toss the ball back up as you lower yourself. (Your friend better know how to catch). Rinse and Repeat.

  3. oh shit one more thing.

    To build crazy cardio and explosive leg strength do jumping leg squats. Jump up as high as you can and beat your chest with your knees. Do this in sets of 20. One of our returning wrestlers (went to Fairtex DC back in the day) had us do them 20 times, its more than you can get in when limited to 10seconds so they're more effective. It'll help you explode and give you great gains in cardio.

  4. Thanks for the tips guys.Eric: I posted my daily workout schedule earlier in the journal. In a nutshell, my ideal day will consist of 1 hour of lifting, 1 hour split of cardio and bagwork. With a low carb/high protein diet, I was able to achieve the results I have. I believe a lot of it is genetics though, because I've done less than ideal training for 2 years before I got serious, and I still got decent results.If you'd like, I could set you up with a program.

  5. Wow, one of the longer posts i've seen you post. Well, your training plan is definitely more complete then mine. Not to mention your amount of dedication far exceeds mine. I may not ever be able to beat you in strength, but at least i have a chance with my bokens

  6. WOW!!! it looks like you have got your plans all set for the upcoming semester.  I am glad that those HIIT sessons helped you out.  It really helped me out.  Really like the long post.  It really exemplifies all the hardwork, dedication, and desire that you put into your work outs.  Keep up the awesome work!!!  I am so proud of you and can't wait to see you in a few.  Take care..~aloha~

  7. Emevas, your xanga is listed in the sig at Gamefaqs...I subscribed because I'd like to see how you train.:)
