Monday, January 17, 2005

Training Log: Entry 47

Went to my boxing/MT class today.  Here is the lesson:

Warm up with shadowboxing

Work standard four with a partner (low left roundhouse-right cross-left hook-right rounhouse)

Work on hook defense (shift body away from hook to take power away from blow)

Double hook defense (one hook from each side, shifting defense)

Double high hook, double low hook, double mid roundhouse, double low roundhouse defense (all involve shifting away barring low roundhouses which were low roundhouses)

Counter work for shifting defense (if shift to the left, left hook-right cross-left hook.  if shift to the right, right cross-left hook-right cross.  for leg check, always the latter)

There was another drill, but I can't remember it...

Thaipad work (3 minute rounds)
  Standard four
  Modified standard four (left roundhouse-right cross-left hook-standing right knee-right roundhouse)
  Modified standard four (left roundhouse-right cross-left hook-right cross elbow-grab+knee-shove-right rounhouse)


Personal Notes: My training partner was awful.  I've dealt with this guy before.  He has no form, an IQ equal to his shoe size, and no desire whatsoever to get better.  He is completely undynamic, and does the drills statically so that I gain nothing from the exercise, whereas I try to keep things alive.  What's worse, he sweats gallons, and on cement floors, it made things slippery.

Focused on keeping my hands up.  My right cross has become really sharp as a result of shadowboxing.  It used to be a sloppy overhand right, but now it could f-in' drive nails.  I am doing better keeping at keeping my hand on my face when I perform my roundhouse.  The attack itself is kinda sloppy though, although I chalk that up to how my partner was holding the pads.


  1. Sounds like fun, glad your still able to get to your muay thai classes. It sounds like the guy who was your sparring partner really doesn't want to be there. The fact that he's sweating so much might mean he's out of shape. Can't learn anything unless your trully interested in getting better. I know some people like that as well in some of the clubs/sports i've played in and i figure its best to try to take an opportunity to embarass them so that they might actually want to get better just to pay you back. Sounds like your becoming more fearsome by the day, especially with those punches. keep it up!, back to homework...

  2. Damn, I had this mexican dude for my partner tonight. He was probbly in his 30's, and he seemed pretty god, but he wasn't really doing the drills right, like, we were doing block+counter drills (Block a jab, then counter with a jab, etc.). I couldn't inderstand him to well, and whenever he would jab at me, he would either go wayyyy to slow, or wayyy too fast, it kinda sucked. He kept telling me to do things, but I couldn't really understand him, so...
    What I'm trying to say is, I fell ya on the not so great sparing partners, although, in my case, we just didn't really work well together.

  3. Yeah, just a little clarity though, it wasn't a sparring partner, just a drill partner.  No way in hell I would ever spar this guy.  I'd gain nothing from the experience.

  4. But it'd be fun at least to own him. Actually, probably not, you're used to that, haha.

  5. Whoops, i meant drill partner, sorry. Yeah, this guy would probably tear me up sparring, he was fast, and hit pretty hard, especially for the drill we were doing.
