Friday, March 9, 2007

Training Log: Entry 374

Squats of 305

Notes: A little shakey on the last rep, but everything else nice and deep.  Hamstrings were really tight today.  Better warmup next time.

Pull-ups w/10lbs

Notes: Easier than anticipated.  Ramping the weight up slower than last time.

Overhead presses of 155

Notes: I was dying at this part.  Stomach was cramping.  Not enough food, and the food I had beforehand was really crappy.  Still did better than I thought.

Going on a 1 week break.  Will miss 3 workouts.  Timed out right during the deload, so not too bad at least.


  1. Those weighted pull-ups will really widen your lats. And by the looks of this, all of the compound movements in those lifts is probably causing you to burn crazy amounts of calories.

  2. I imagine I'm burning a lot, although my weight isn't dropping, so I'm happy =P
    Break should be good.  Hopefully do some GPP stuff.

  3. Hi, I was wondering, could you offer some tips about dead-lifting?
    I deadlifted for the first time Friday afternoon, my coach said I had okay form, but my lower back feels a bit sore and stiff when bending over.  I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong.

  4. Don't bend over, lower yourself down.  You want to let your back keep its natural arch, not be rounded.  You can accomplish this by looking up during the lift and at the start. 
    Check out to get some more info.
