Saturday, November 10, 2007

Training Log: Entry 495

DE lower day

Speed box squat of 185

Notes: Speed was really on today.  Pushing with the blade of my foot and my heels, and getting good explosiveness from the bottom.

Lunges of 90lbs

Notes: Might be going a little too heavy on the accessory stuff.  Lost my grip on the last rep of the second set.  Might just cut this down to 2 sets for future workouts.

SLDL of 315

Notes: Second set was amatuerish.  Lots of rounding of the lowerback.  Killed my set short.  Psyhed myself up too much, lost focus on good form.  Last set was textbook.  Remember to look up the entire time, and you'll hit the lift much easier.


If I have any more energy, I'll do some ab wheel tonight, otherwise I'll just save it for tomorrow along with neck and grip.


I retract my previous statement about being unable to gain past 203.  Guess I was just in a little rut for a week or so.  Weight is coming back on at a respectable pace again.


  1. lol, my normal deadlifts tend to almost be SLDLs, so I usually do strict form romanian deadlifts instead.

  2. Do you rock back a bit on the box squats? I saw a couple videos on youtube where people do that, but I couldn't really find a good video that showed good form.

  3. Not really.  I tend to lower, pause, and explode back up.  I'd have to record my lifts to really be able to tell.

  4. If your around 203 lbs now how much weight you wanting to gain ? or if you can't gain weight what weight gainer would you use ?

  5. Like I told Lance, I don't have a definite goal, but 210 would be nice to make, if I can do more, even better.
    If I have to use a gainer, Serious Mass has worked for me.
