Thursday, November 29, 2007

Training Log: Entry 505

ME upper day

230x1 (5lb PR)

Notes: Bad week for MEs. Hit a PR, but missed a bunch of attempts.  Leg drive was non-existant.  Had to take 2 attempts at everything to get it right.  Right side much stronger than left.  Was able to get the right side up high and lose the left side in an attempt to even them out.  Need more shoulder strength.  Going to ditch the lateral raises and sub in some bradford presses.  Thinking it's about time to start up some RE work too, and just start eating some more.

Olympic bar skull crushers of 105

Notes: Nothing worthwhile here.

Shrugs of 315 w/straps

Notes: Used straps because I get enough grip work, and my lower body day is later this week.  Nice change of pace.

Kelso lat shrugs of 135

Notes: Numbers might be off.  Was using smaller plates, so had to lean over further to get the weight.  Altered things a little bit, but got a good burn in the rear delts.

Pull-ups of bodyweight

Notes: Messed up the order, forgot to do pull-ups before everything else, so numbers got messed up.  Oh well, it was an off day.  I blame it on the break beforehand.


Need more food.


  1. dont worry about missing weights like that, esp if you have been hitting PRs. a lot of guys i train with,myself included, find that weights seem heavier after big PRs - we cant recover as fast from the true maxes as we can from the sub maxes, even if we feel good to go.just keep on truckin.

  2. especially going back and looking3 PRs on deadlift in 1 day, 2 on the squat, and now another here. I say take a deload week or do some sub max stuff like hypertrophy oriented moves next week.

  3. Well, I already took a week off for thanksgiving, you think I would need even more?

  4. well, per the dates on your log, the 3 DL Prs were 11/22, squats 5 days later on 11/25 then bench on 11/27, with a DE day mixed in there. doesnt look like much of an off week to me, so i'd say yeah, like RE stuff or "active rest" with sled drags or GPP stuff. Just back off ME work and dont do anything insanely heavy next week and you should be good to go. or at least be better than you would if you continued to push through it without backing off a little. (also went back and saw PRs on bench on 11/15, and if you want to get technical, on the front squats as well before then)

  5. Good point, I guess I got too caught up in setting PRs everytime (but who can blame me, eh? =P).  Think I'll just stick to training with submaximal stuff for the next week and see what happens.  Thanks for looking out for me.
