Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Training Log: Entry 523

RE upper body

Bench press of 185lbs

Notes: Completely lost my arch on the first set, spent the next two sets really drilling it in.  Did the same for board press.

2-board press of 225

Notes: Did things a little bass ackwards on this, because I tend to burn out on the early sets and have nothing left on the later sets, earning no progress.  Going to try to add reps from the back sets onward.

Bradford press of 135

Notes: Little mental trick that if I visualize leg drive without actually performing it, I'm able to press the weight up easier.  It's a placebo, but whatever it takes to lift more weight.  Hand spacing too wide on first two reps of first set, so re-racked and readjusted.  On singles for military press, I can keep the grip wide, but on the behind the neck portion of this, no good.

V-bar rows of 135

Notes: Reps are low because my method of holding the bar down on the other end kept failing and I had to keep ending theset early to adjust.  Next time hopefully I can get my wife to hold it down rather than using a chain and some DBs. 

Olympic bar curls of 95

Notes: Cheat rep on last rep of last set. No shoulder clicking at all due to rotating wrist outwards.


Got some real Chuck Taylors on discount over my vacation.  The difference between them and the Walmart knockoffs I was using are night and day.  Can't wait to squat in them.

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