Sunday, June 2, 2013

Training Log: Entry 1447

(6) Mat Pulls 620

Notes: Right shoulder has been bugging me for days, and I found out this is why.  Weight seems to just really be pulling on it hard.  I imagine the bar being stiffer is playing a role, and just different dynamics.  I may have to start incorporating some real heavy shrugs/static holds just to get my shoulder used to this sort of weight.

Front squats
followed by

Notes: Superset the front squats and the squats.  Blew up the legs something fierce.  I am really digging the front squats with straps.  Not quite the upperback killer as a safety squat bar, but it'll do in a pinch.

Seated leg curl 95

Leg raises

Calf raise machine 80lbs

Notes: Used Dante's protocol with 5 second hold at concentric and 10 second hold on eccentric.  Really was screaming at the end.

Left out the rows for today due to the shoulder.  Will fit them in later if I can.

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