Saturday, March 31, 2018

Training Log: Entry 2474


Circus dumbbell clean and press

Log Viper Grace (30 reps of 135)
5 minutes and 30 seconds

Notes: Deload week, but I don't want to lose my touch on the CDB.  I'm finding the balance between technique and strength on it, and letting myself "muscle f**k" the bell up at this point, a term I read in a recent article that I thought was a great description.
 God I hate this implement, and like an idiot I'm just going to quit training it as soon as this competition is over.  I'm learning that I genuinely don't care about being the greatest strongman; I just want to be strong.  That said, it's still a fun sport.

Log Grace was a dumb idea that popped in my head this week.  Viper technique is really squared away. 

Helped spot/load at a local powerlifting meet yesterday, so I may be a little more beat up than usual.

Woke up at 197.0

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