Tuesday, December 13, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2626

AM WORKOUT (0438 natural wake up) FASTED

3 rounds of Armor Bearer

21 ABCs in the first round, 18 in the second (3-4-3-3-5), 14 in the final (2-3-2-2-5)
Bears were all over the place


* Man, maybe I REALLY need to call this workout “taking my medicine” because every time I do it I don’t want to, and every time it’s done I’m glad I did it.  But, in truth, that’s EVERY workout between the Super Squats ones, which is most likely why you were never supposed to train between those workouts in the first place.

* Hamstring continues to mend well.  I can trigger pain in it if I seek to, but otherwise normal movement doesn’t cause issues.

* Hitting this workout first thing in the morning while fasted remains a significant gut check.  But it honestly is a fast moving 30 minutes.  Constantly changing up the workout and having short goals really goes a long way.  Psychologically, this is so much easier compared to a straight 30 minute EMOM or 60 tabata rounds.

* No real additional training plan from here.  Going out to eat for dinner.  Good season.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, what is your piedmontese code? I've been looking to try that beef out.

    1. I don't have one. But as far as I know "POWER" gets you a discount

      But the whole site is discounted right now.

  2. Wow thanks! I'm getting a ribeye.
