Friday, December 16, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2629

AM WORKOUT (0332 natural wake up) 


(3) DB Incline Bench/band pull aparts superset (1 min rest)




50 total pull aparts

BtN Press/band pull apart superset (1 min rest)

3x10x135/50 total reps

Breathing Squats/Pull overs


Fairly certain I was having a John Coffey “Green Mile” moment there where I was just trying to expel all the evil in me out of my lungs…but if I can be as jacked as Michael Clark Duncan I’ll take it

Kroc Rows


Axle shrugs against bands




30 GHRs

60x180 reverse hyper (oh my god this is awful)

20 standing ab wheels


* It is done!  I had no doubts that 30x315 would happen once I set my sights on it.  What I could not account for was losing all ability to express any sensation other than pain, to include my basic ability to undo my knee wraps around my hamstring, hence me shuffling to the camera at the end.

* For anyone that wants to take this on, counting gets REALLY weird.  It was a race to rep 20, after which point the REAL work began, and when I hit 25 I thought “only 5 left”, which is just such a bizarre thought while running Super Squats.  I didn’t have too bad of hand numbness for this set, but I could feel my support leaving on that 30th rep.

* Had to scrap the chins.  My left shoulder just does not like it.  I got in a few reps with some added weight and some with bodyweight but I could tell it was doing me some harm.  It’s a product of squatting 3x a week for such long sets with such a low bar placement.  Some time away from that should fix me.  

* Otherwise, 3x10x135 on BtN press is clutch, and those DB incline presses are awesome as well.   I am so pleased with how this all unfolded.

* Short on time, so conditioning was scrapped, but 60 reps on the reverse hyper does a good enough job.  That seems like a keeper.


23 ABCs in 5 mins w/24kg bells


  1. That's a fantastically killer feat to accomplish before leaving on a trip. Hope your shoulder heals up soon.

    1. Thanks man! All back together and ready for more.
