Tuesday, December 27, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2634

AM WORKOUT (0345 natural wake up.  In truth, 0200 natural wake up, lots of tossing and turning, then eventually just giving up and getting after it)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 1, Workout 1


10 rounds of:

* 3x405 SSB squats

* 3x180 log clean and press away

* 3x55lb weighted NG chin

Up to 1 min rest between giant sets


5 rounds, no rest, of:

* Dips

* 20lb laterals

* Band pull aparts

Go until near failure

25 pushdowns

20 standing ab wheels



5 minutes of as many KB swings as possible w/40kg bell, EMOM do 5 burpees

26 band curls

30 GHRs


* Schedule is still pretty screwy between holidays and family visits and other things, so I’ve settled on just coming up with my own training plan while I throttle back on the food.  These days, if I’m not gaining, I allow myself to train pretty much any way I see fit, because all I’m doing is holding onto muscle.  I haven’t trained really heavy in a while, so I’m leaning into that.  This definitely answered the mail there, because I blew out pretty much all the blood vessels in my face when this was done.  Absolutely brutal, and the 1 min rests kept me honest.  Felt myself “fishing rod” on those squats, but it just means I’m making myself strong in all sorts of crazy angles.

* Fleshing this out a little further, my intent is to so squat and press twice a week and bench and deadlift twice a week.  10x3 for one workout, and then I’m thinking doubles for another and 5s or 8s for the final.  I’d put the higher rep workout in between the triples and doubles, in a M-L-H approach.  Also planning on using a “harder” movement on the lighter days to really force me to take the weight away and ease up recover.  For squats, it would go SSB for triples, Front squats on the 5-8, and Buffalo bar for the doubles.  For deads, I’m thinking trap bar for the triples, axle for the 5 to 8s and deadlift bar for doubles.  Pressing would go triples log, light weight axle, doubles keg.  Bench I’m leaning toward triples on bench, doubles on dips, and incline for the light work.  

* The assistance work circuit is more goodies that I’m most likely stealing from Brian Alsruhe.  Got me an awesome pump and stopped me from wasting time.  

* I was floored by that conditioning at the end.  This should get me back in top form for sure.  Basically undoing Super Squats, before I redo it again.

* Some sort of conditioning on the horizon for sure.

* Sleep was rough last night, but I’ve been sleeping so well for so long that I imagine I’m just “sleep full” at this point.  Need to actually get tired again.

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