Saturday, December 24, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2631

Cruise was effectively a deload week.  Some highlights

* I was eating SO much food on this trip.  Every dinner I'd have at least 2 full entrees, alongside typically double appetizers and 2 salad courses.  I still stayed on the lower side of carbs, primarily because there were so many amazing protein options to pick from I never felt like I was going "without".  I am certain I have consumed every aquatic animal that has ever existed, with salmon featuring everyday, but also shrimp, prawns, scallops, muscles, crab legs, lobster, ahi tuna, herring, grouper, seabass, cod, to say nothing of the land animals of beef/veal, lamb, duck, chicken, and most likely some more I'm forgetting.  And this is to say nothing of the breakfast and lunch buffets I partook in, or the 9 course brunch the Mrs and I had on board (it was 4 courses, but when you double up on everything, it has an effect).

* One day the Mrs and kiddo got in some bonding time and I had an hour to myself to hit the gym, so I came up with a Kalsu mutation.  For 60 minutes, I went for as many reps as possible of double dumbbell clean and press each rep w/50lb bells, but EMOM I did 5 5 count burpees (no jump).  I totaled around 167 reps in 60 minutes, getting my first 100 right on minute 30.  It was brutal.  Later, I got in a 15 minute workout that was 5 minutes of as many Devil Presses as possible in 5 minutes w/50lb bells (got 30), then Tabata double dumbbell front squats w/50s, then 5 minutes of alternating dumbbell snatches, doing 5 reps EMOM.  Also got in 40 burpee chins in 5 minutes as well.  Otherwise, I still trained everyday in some fashion.

Got back this morning at 0130, got up at 0700 today and got in a fasted Fran with strict chins in 5:38.  Hamstring and shoulder are healed.

Got in a proof of concept workout at lunchtime.

10 rounds of EMOM 2x405 SSB squats
10 rounds of EMOM 3x225 SSB front squats
20x225 SSB squat 

Opposite of super squats: lots of sets of low reps with higher weight.  Really pleased at how strong I am in the squat again, and that my weight belt fits without issue despite all the eating.  Weight is going to the right places: I'm looking jacked.  My Mario sweats are also on point.

Finished up with 24 ABCs in 5 mins w/24kg bells. Good return to form today.

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