Sunday, August 13, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3032

Got up at 0515 this morning.  It's the 2 year anniversary of the passing of our pug, Kirby, and the Mrs wanted to get in a 14 mile memorial run to celebrate his 14 years of living.  I had plans to carry my keg 14 laps around the neighborhood for a similar purpose, but we got rained and lightning'd out, so I came up with this

**KIRBY Memorial WOD**

* 141 burpee chins w/15lb vest

* EMOM, do 1 keg clean w/100lb keg

Done inside of 35 rounds.

141 to celebrate 14 years and 1 month.  15lb vest was the closest I could get to 14.  100lb keg...was just plain absolutely the right call.  Trying to clean a keg while wearing a vest is a challenge.  It puts the keg out in front of you, so you really need to wrangle it.

This is flat out a Kalsu level workout.  I wanted to quit stupid early into it.  If it weren't a memorial workout for my buddy, I would have.  I'm glad he could push me this morning.  I hit this fasted and know that I absolutely earned my warrior's breakfast that my Valkyrie is going to whip up after she crushes her own workout...because she IS the better half, haha.

Family is going to take in a play later today, and this might be all the training I do...and it's MORE than enough.


  1. What a nice and awesome idea for a tribute. I always remembered Kirby the pug because of his name.

    1. Thanks for that man. You woulda loved him. He was a great dog.

  2. I remember your original mention of Kirby's passing. Man time flies. I'm sure he was a great dog.
