Tuesday, August 15, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3034

AM WORKOUT (0405 Wake up via alarm)

**MESS** Workout 30: Easy Strength for Fat Loss w/KB swings

(3) Axle double overhand deficit deadlift/weighted chin superset



Standing Ab Wheel


Axle Continental and press away


KB swing/throw practice

75 reps w/24kg bell

Set the bell down, throw on 50lb vest, go for 1.5 mile walk, come back to gym and knock out 300 squats and 300 push ups


Walk dog


* Came in feeling obliterated from yesterday.  Having a different order of movements really went a long way.  That’s definitely a lesson to employ for future Easy Strength runs.  Still kept the press on the light side because I feel like I’ve been going too heavy on it to make it truly “Easy Strength”.  Chins haven’t moved much, but since bodyweight is going up it means I’m lifting more weight.  Really just didn’t want to be bothered to do carries, so focused on swings/throw practice and allowed that to get my heart rate up before the walk.  Had to get to work a little on the early side, so the dog walk was shorter than usual, making this all work out.

* Realized this morning I’ve been short-changing myself on my egg white intake for protein.  I made my “famine” and even bigger one.  In turn, the impact has been realized: I can see every individual abdominal muscle like a thick carved out knot of wood in my gut, got veins everywhere, etc.  Jamie really had this figured out.  I’m running 1 more day of it, then back to the feast.  Tonight we’re doing a tri tip, so that’s pretty awesome.

* “MESS” really isn’t right at this point, because the MMS portion is done.  I feel like 30 workouts of Easy Strength is honestly enough as well: I don’t really see me getting much more out of the next 10 workouts.  But, for the sake of completion, I intend to run the full course this time.  I DO keep learning more lessons as I go, and that’s what matters.  30 workout runs for the future will slot in well for 6 week training cycles, which seem to be how I like to operate.  It fits the diet as well: 2 weeks famine, 4 weeks feast.