Wednesday, August 23, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3042

AM WORKOUT (0415 wake up via alarm)

**JAMIE LEWIS’/PLAGUE OF STRENGTH’S “JUGGERYOKE”** Week 1, Workout 3: Bench and Squats

Trap bar high pull/(3)Incline Bench SUPERSET (2 min max rest)

4x5x155 (realized it was 6 sets of 5 vs 5 sets of 6)


Flat bench(pause)/standing ab wheel/pull apart giant set (2 min max rest)


Flat bench (touch and go)


Buffalo Bar Squats

3 minutes of 135lbs (40 reps total)
1 min rest
3 minutes of 135lbs (35 reps)

90 push ups


Walk w/dog


* Program deviation here: trap bar high pulls.  RX is simply high pulls, but I have a max trap bar event coming up, so familiarity with the implement is nice, and Paul Kelso vouched for this movement, and Paul is a patron saint of lifting, so I have him watching over me here.  I went too light, but toward the end I was huffing.  I think I’ll start from the floor each pull next time, just to get in some rep practice there.  I can see the potential for building the yoke here.  On that note, I realize I should get back into direct neck training to really drive home this “Juggeryoke” protocol.  Let’s make that a thing.

* Shouldn’t at all be shocked by the state of my benching after so much time spent not doing any sort of horizontal pressing with significant weight.  It is wild to think I was DB benching in the 100s on an incline while I was running Super Squats, but I was legit 35-40lbs heavier back then.  Have to adjust to this “new” body.  I DO appreciate doing the heavy benching AFTER the incline benching, as it allows me to get out of my own head.

* The pull aparts are my own throw in.  

* I’m sure that 3 minutes of pure squatting would normally be absolute hell, but coming at this out of Mass Made Simple, it’s funny how it’s more like the briar patch for me.  So now what I can do is instead have a specific mark to beat.  I got 75 reps done in 7 total minutes.  I can reduce the rest time between, or just push to squat without break as much as I can in those 3 minutes.  I dig that.

* We’re supposed to hit a record high in temps today.  Yesterday, I went for a 10 minute walk after dinner and was drenched by the time I was done.  We’re supposed to do Tang Soo Do tonight, but we may wave off because of the heat.  I made sure to get in the walk while it was still cool.

* Weighed in at 167.4 this morning.  The Feast and Famine protocol is just so damn effective, but it’s also SUCH a mindscrew.  I was gaining during the Famine, and I imagine a fair amount of that was inflammation due to illness and also just holding onto fluids as the weather/temps changed and hydration became so important.  Now I’m eating a ton and seeing the weight drop and leanness shine through.  I also imagine I’m pretty damn dehydrated with the heat and the walking, but still, what an awesome place to be in right now: time for more food!  I’m going to be so underweight for my comp.

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