Friday, January 5, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3148

AM WORKOUT (0520 wake up via spouse’s alarm)

10 minutes of burpee into keg overhead (34 reps total)


50lb weighted vest walk w/dog


* Still just playing it as I go for now.  “Program starts Monday”, as cliché as it is, I’m still just in vacation mode, and today waking up next to my wife and getting in a quick workout took priority over waking up earlier for a longer one.  I also need to ease myself back into lifting a little after time away from the weights.  I can feel how sore I am.  I’m just gonna note that I’m also feeling extremely psychotic these days and considering Deep Water in place of Feast and Famine, with the limiting factor being that I won’t have the full 12 weeks to run Beginner and Intermediate, but I think this really speaks to how beneficial that deload was.  I was experiencing some severe training burnout, and now I want to REALLY drill down into training.  Good place to be in.

* In full disclosure, my original plan was to burpee OVER the keg each rep, but it looked like a bridge too far when it came time to do the jump, so I called this audible.  That most likely speaks to how much I need to bring jumps back into my training.  But I at least appreciated level change into a floor to overhead.  Just a classic combo.

* Was good to get in that morning walk again.  

* Tang Soo Do was a decent workout last night.  We had 3 bags set up, and would run from one to the other and perform a technique on it.  Just constant movement.  

* Been doing a pretty hard protein sparing modified fast upon my return from the cruise, totally in “non-martyr” mode.  After 10 days of eating my face off, my appetite is absolutely satiated and I have no real hunger.  I’m basically doing 1 meal a day, with 2 Metabolic Drive feedings and 1 egg whites feeding otherwise (Metabolic Drive in the morning, Egg Whites for “lunch”).  I’m starting to feel my appetite return ever so slightly, but I really feel like I figured out the feast portion of the nutrition this time around.  Feast hard enough and you will welcome the famine.


  1. "How I Fit Deep Water Beginner and Intermediate Into Less Than Twelve Weeks" would be a fun post to read, just saying.

  2. What type of set-up do you normally use for jumps? Do you do distance jumps or onto something elevated or both? Ever do weighted jumps?

    Btw you should ask for this Balrog shirt next Birthday/Christmas

    1. You know by now I don't have a usual anything, haha.

      $40 is a bit much for a t-shirt, but I dig the design!
