Wednesday, January 10, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3152

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm)

**PESTILENCE** Week 1, Workout 3

GIANT SET (squat-row-ab)

Buffalo Bar Squat



Viking row


Standing ab wheel


SUPERSET (calves-quads)

Calf raise


Reverse hyper Leg extensions


GHRs (off camera)

3xAMRAP (15-12-12)


2 mile walk (no dog, too snowy/icy)


* Yesterday, I got in another round of shoveling and the remainder of my push ups.  In turn, this morning I woke up and this was so not on my list of things to do.  I am dealing with a minor annoying cold, which I need to recognize that I seem to get some sort of small illness every time I enter a famine.  Reduced calories and fats can very likely be compromising my immune system.  And I know that, at the end of a famine, my training motivation is totally shot.  This one is unique, since I started it upon my return from my cruise last week, so I’m already 7 days in while only being 3 days into the training.  What motivated me was the thought that, if I got through the training this morning, it’d mean I’d get to have the evening with my wife and kid.

* Getting out of my own head on the squats, the weight is low for heavy triples, but I’m squatting in probably the least mechanically advantageous manner I possibly can.  Stance is narrow, bar is high, knees are forward, depth is rock bottom, and I’m not wearing a belt.  If I can get stronger from here, I can be REALLY strong when I need to be.  That 50 repper was hard to rack, knowing that, if I rested more, I was sure I could pump out even more reps, but eventually I had to wonder when the juice was worth the squeeze.  As you can see with the stumbling about after the fact, it still hit hard enough.

* Re-learning how to calf raise, and it was good to get back to GHRs.  Walk this morning was brutal with the cold, ice and snow.  Good to get out in those elements.

* Tang Soo Do was canceled last night due to weather.  Next class will be tomorrow.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, you're a highly dominant striker/wrestler, and you haven't shied away from submission grappling. What turned you off of MMA when you competed in it?

    Hope the snow eases up on you and you recover from your cold quick.

    1. I am not a dominant stiker and wrestler...

      Appreciate the well wishes dude!
