Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3169

AM WORKOUT (0422 wake up via Valkyrie)

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 2, Workout 2 (Conditioning) “Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Turtle”

30 minutes of 30 second rounds

* Boxing

* KB swing (47.5lb KB)

* 6 count burpee

* Rope skipping

After that, 15 minutes of EMOM basement suicide springs w/10 prisoner squats and 10 push ups at end

Stair jumps


Short walk w/dog while wearing 50lb vest


* I am really liking this day.  I’m “remembering” being an athlete.  It’s hard to not lift SOMETHING when I have the chance to do so, but this is just bridging so many gaps and hitting so many marks.  Getting in those swings at least scratches the lifting itch a touch.  

* This is very close to the Devil’s Trinity from Tactical Barbell, but rather than a rest period, I implemented rope skipping.  I’m clumsy enough that I can rest with rope skipping, since I’m often recovering from a failed skip.

* It’s amazing how I feel like I’m punching so fast and then I watch the video and it’s like someone put me in slow-mo.

* Getting in those basement suicides at the end was a good closer.  I wanted to get decently gassed, and got in some good bodyweight work.  Prisoner squats on the daily have been awesome for my mobility.

* Trying to remember to get in jumps when/where I can.  Another big hole in my athletic game.

* Dog got another short walk because I had a med appointment this morning, wherein I got some great results on my vitals.  Once again, keeping in mind I’ve been eating a practically all meat diet with a LOT of salt.

* Tang Soo Do is on the schedule for later tonight.

EDIT: This was way too awesome not to steal.  Totally satisfies so many nerd quotas


  1. Apologies if I misjudge your skills again but your boxing work on your Bas Rutten looks dope as hell man.

    1. It's a very fun training tool. My favorite freestanding bag.
