Sunday, January 14, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3155

As stated, it's been wild times and will continue.  LOTS of snow/ice shoveling, working hard to get in my 300 push ups and prisoner squats a day, and I got this workout in today

10+5+6x405 mat pulls w/405.  A great day for effort, but since it's currently -30 with windchill my hands kept going numb and I knew it was time to go inside when I was done.

My original plan today was to take the kiddo out to eat and do some laser tag, but it was so cold we were advised "no travel", so instead I made them the biggest goddamn sirloin I had ever seen, which we split alongside some deer steaks and then played DnD for the afternoon.  That was amazing.

I ended tonight with a carb up.  Farmer's casserole and homemade sourdough.  Haven't had one in a LONG time: was definitely due.

Still have a day off tomorrow.  Most likely more shoveling and bodyweight work, then back to the program.


  1. 300 push-ups a day is awesome man. Per at least 1 source I have, Mike Tyson did 400 on sparring days. I need to get in on that, my endurance for barbell push work seems to be top-notch when I'm regularly doing push-ups.

    So just so I have it clear, you're still open to competing in striking sports and wrestling/grappling sports, but no longer willing to compete in MMA which mixes it all together?

    1. 300 a day is the standard set by Jamie Lewis for many of his protocols. It's a good one.

      You do not have it clear. It's not a question of willingness. It's a question of interest. I am not interested in MMA.

    2. Well glad you're still interested in other combat sports though I still do not understand why you are not interested in MMA. Thank you.

    3. I have already done MMA my dude. I want a new challenge.
