Tuesday, January 23, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3163

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm)

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 1, Day 2 Conditioning “Middle Aged Mutant Ninja Turtle”

30 rounds, EMOM of

* Run up and down basement steps (14 steps up)

* 10 prisoner squats

* 10 push ups

5 minutes of stairs

8 EMOM rounds, alternating between 

* Body Action System boxing (all out effort)

* Rope skipping

Some stair jumps


* Wanted to try something different and athletic today.  Always dig stairs/steps, and made use of what I had.  Found out from the Mrs that the noise carries through the house, so this might not get to be an early morning thing in the future, but it was excellent for this morning.

* Got in 300 squats and 300 push ups this way, and toward the end of those 30 minutes I was huffing pretty decent.  The 5 minute chaser at the end was a decent burnout.  I think putting a hard limit of “do X many flights EMOM” would keep me a bit more honest for effort.

* Was good to get back in on the BAS.  I kept the strikes light and fast, since my hands aren’t conditioning for anything hard.

* Actually found a decent rhythm with the rope skipping toward the end.  In general, just really pleased with all the stuff I did today.  This was a solid “remember how to be an athlete” kinda workout, especially finishing with the jumps.  I’m really wanting to capture “Building the Monolith” here.  This isn’t just working out, it’s not just training: I need to build myself back to what I was.  

* Work demands required me to get in early and skip out on more walking, which is exactly why I pivoted to BtM.  Able to get in some solid conditioning on the conditioning days, rather than skipping it/half hearted efforts.  And tonight SHOULD be sparring for Tang Soo Do, so that’s awesome.

* Regarding the workout name: I’m playing up training in a subterranean layer.  Down in the basement, working my conditioning and striking.  Gotta love it.

Lunch before and after

I have to give the story, as written on the flame-free confession thread

I confess that...

* I spent $60 on lunch today, for myself.

* I paid cash, so that my wife would not discover that I spent $60 on lunch for myself, even though I would end up bringing this lunch to go visit her for lunch

* I confess what I spent $60 on was 2 Wagyu beef ribs

* I confess that what you are seeing there is THREE ribs.  ...they gave me an extra rib.  And Napoleon said "never correct your enemy when they are making a mistake"

* I confess that, though I only needed one beef rib (which would have "ONLY" been $30), I bought 2 because I figured I'd never get this opportunity again, meaning I still ONLY intended to eat 2 of them.

* ...but...I confess...

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