Friday, January 26, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3166

AM WORKOUT (0420 wake up via alarm)

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 1, Workout 5

GIANT SETS (Press-squat-chin)

Axle clean and strict press away


Buffalo Bar Squat






Weighted NG chins


GIANT SETS (press-shrug-pull)

Axle clean and strict press away


Axle shrug against short average bands


Band pull aparts


Buffalo Bar Squat widowmaker


Done in 48 minutes


3 sets of standing ab wheel

40 reps of neck harness

Lateral raise dropset


* It’s pretty crazy how fast this one went.  Before the widowmaker, I was at like 36 minutes, and had I run it as a legit 20 rep set, it would have been over in under 40. Really found a working combination, and wanted to have a pretty solid upper back burner with the way I stacked the assistance work at the end.  Weighted chins at that point would have been a better call, but the set-up of the shrugs in the cage limit my ability to do weighted chins in that spot.

* It’s always interesting how the same weight I can squat 5x5 for on Monday feels so heavy on Friday with BtM.  Jim is a programming sorcerer.

* The shrugs against bands are just such a money play.  Much quicker to set up and take down compared to plates, and the burn is real.  

* How about that for a widowmaker?  In truth, I could have kept going, as evident by my rack and not total collapse when it was over, but at one point you just wonder what is the value added.  101 AFTER a full workout is pretty ridiculous.

* In the realm of TMI, it would appear that eating essentially a loaf of sourdough bread on Sunday has had disastrous impacts on my digestive tract.  As in, googling things like “how do you clear a bowel obstruction without surgery” or contemplating just how much blood loss from a hemorrhoid one can experience before they need to get a transfusion.  I am thankfully, as of yesterday, not going to die, but in turn this morning my ability to brace was slightly compromised due to pain.

* Had more Tang Soo Do sparring last night.  I ended up losing in the semi-finals, primarily because kick-checking isn’t a thing in Tang Soo Do and my liberal use of it was considered a point scored by my opponent, but in turn it meant my kid got to advance to the finals and lost by only 1 point, so that was amazing to see.


  1. Hey, you're right, that one set of squats is hell. But today, Monday, light week and squats are killing me. I had the same thing with the previous BtM. Light weeks always squat heavy. I'm scared of what awaits me next week!

    1. It just shows how awesome Jim is at programming. It ALWAYS works somehow.
