Wednesday, January 31, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3170

AM WORKOUT (0415 wake up via dog, snoozed for 4 minutes)

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 2, Workout 3 

SUPERSET (dead-bench)

Low handle trap bar pulls





Axle bench press





KB rows (short rest)




Poundstone curls

100xAxle (82 without stopping)

Finished within 48 mins

Extra work

3x10 Standing Ab Wheel

Neck harness

Lateral raise dropset

20 GHRs

50 KB swings w/47.5lb bell


1.5 mile walk w/dog (no vest)


* It’s still amazing how awful the low handle feels.  My right knee feels a little dorked up from the final set.  Was trying to push rep speed a little bit today, since it was the lighter week.

* Got a solid pump on the rows.  It’s bitter medicine: I feel better when I take it.

* Figure I’ll keep the weight the same on the curls and just push to get as many reps as possible without stopping until I can clear the full 100.  Solid bicep pump

* Woke up a little earlier, so I got in a little more assistance work.  Happy with the choices I made.

* Able to get in more of a walk this morning with the dog.  She’s staying in good shape.  

* Along with getting that stripe in Tang Soo Do last night, it was just a good class in general.  I was complimented on my kicks, primarily because we were hitting pads and I was really able to come out with that.  Hitting air isn’t the same.  I imagine a part of it too is just not being completely beat to hell from lifting allowed my hips to open up a little.

* Our favorite local BBQ spot is doing a food truck here at work, so my lunch is going to be that today.  That said, for anyone curious, that brisket I made is absolutely phenomenal, I’ve been eating it all week and I can’t wait to make another one.  I’m gonna try my hand at a non-corned beef one sometime and see how it turns out.  I like the corned beef ones (without the seasoning) just because they’re pre-cut and “reasonable” sized, but I’ve got a bone saw and a vacuum sealer, so a traditional sized brisket shouldn’t be a big deal.

* Mrs hit me with the feedback every dude loves "You're looking bigger"  And then, of course, because that's such a taboo among her gender, she went on "I mean, you know what I mean.  You don't look fatter.  I actually don't think it's possible for you to put on fat."  Not even Valentine's Day and she already knows exactly what to say.

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