Sunday, January 21, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3161


Grace and Komrade Fran EMOM alternate, then 5 rounds of Cindy, then I went for a 40 minute walk.


On bottom are 2 omletes made with pasture raised eggs and grassfed ghee, filled with venison, bison, ham and grassfed cheddar and swiss, topped with grassfed sour cream and some pork rinds. Beef bacon, no sugar chicken sausages and ham on the side, and a mug full of bone broth with some electrolytes. I intend to have 2 more meals today.

Dinner (carb up)

Hollowed out homemade sourdough boat filled with some homemade bison spaghetti sauce, topped with Jalsburg swiss and 2 sunny side up pasture raised eggs

My Mrs. made me both of those meals.  I am a lucky man.

Once again, I'm deviating from the OG plan, primarily because Building the Monolith is exciting me, and I've learned to do the training that excites me.  3 days of lifting and 2-3 days of conditioning should answer the mail.  I'm noticing I'm not quite as lean as I was in the summer, and that's primarily because I'm not walking 5-6 miles a day like I was then.  I imagine that's going to take some doing to get back to, but I would like to get some more miles in as the winter warms up ever so much.  But until then, I'm embracing the bigness.  I'm not as lean, but I'm filling out shirts again, pulling hard, and seeing my strength go.

Deviations for BtM will be use of the trap bar for deads during the prescribed workout while I continue ROM progression mat pulls on weekends.  I've got a good thing going there.  Prowler is most likely going to be a no-sale, but I'm thinking of getting back to hitting the Body Action System.  Still wanna get in the weighted vest walks, and use my rower as well.

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