Friday, February 9, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3178

AM WORKOUT (0422 wake up via alarm)

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 3, Workout 5

GIANT SETS (Press-squat-chin)

Axle clean and strict press away


Buffalo Bar Squat






Weighted NG chins


GIANT SETS (press-shrug-BPA)

Axle clean and strict press away


Axle shrug against strong short bands


Band pull aparts


Buffalo Bar Squat widowmaker



3x10 standing ab wheel


Short walk w/dog


* Typically, I’m pretty excited about this day, but this morning it was more “let’s just get through it” when I woke up.  I don’t think it’s so much the training beating me up, but more life/work stuff.  This week has been a long year.  Still something to keep an eye on.  I am quite excited for the weekend, especially since my Valkyrie is making me a turkey for the superbowl.  Our local pizza spot is ALSO offering 100 wings for $110, and she has pitched to me the idea of taking them up on that offer.  It’s supposed to be food for a party…but I can be a party of one!  I don’t see this actually happening, but I love that she thinks it’s a valid idea.

* I really tried to focus on the pop of the clean with the axle today.  Weight was heavy enough that I couldn’t just manhandle it, and trying to do so would waste energy.  Moved decently fast.  I’m getting a little more athletic.

* Squats are always so heavy on this day.  A weighted I did for 5x5 on Monday becomes so heavy on Friday.

* Moved up resistance on the shrugs and really felt it.  Bands are just such a clutch move here.

* Gave that widowmaker a real solid effort.  I was delighted to make it to 50 reps: being able to maintain that Dan John “Mass Made Simple” standard under these circumstances is just awesome.  Getting in those extra reps was a great grind.  Once again, gun to the head, I could have gotten more: just a question of what is the value added.

* Prioritizing ab work has been a great call through this.  My abs are still popping through, and part of that is nutrition keeping me lean and part of it is just having some gigantic abs.

* Penultimate week of the feast.  Will ride this through next week, the famine but with rampage meals/carb ups.  I was listening to a podcast this morning that kind of reinforced why I keep doing the Feast-Famine cycle vs going back to pure Apex Predator: in the instances that consumption of saturated fat IS a concern for cardiovascular health, it’s most likely beneficial that I engage in these regular 2 weeks of “drying out” from 4 weeks of gorging on high fat foods.  I keep having to remind myself that the famine is about priming the body for the feast, and it also aids in recovering from it.

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