Thursday, February 1, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3171

AM WORKOUT (0415 natural wake up, snooze for 7 minutes)

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 2, Workout 4 (Conditioning)

75 kb swings w/20kg bell

2 mile walk w/80lb vest at 2.8mph average

100 prisoner squats and 100 push ups in 5 minutes (sets of 10)


1.5 mile walk w/dog (no vest)


* I keep falling back in love with this program.  Biggest thing about this day is how I DON’T have to think about it.  Didn’t need to come up with some crazy conditioning protocol: just put on the vest and go walk dummy.  I hit those swings at the start just to jump the heart rate a little, and because swings are awesome, and got in some of my daily squats and push ups at the end.  In truth, I intended for more, but one of my ear buds fell out in my garage and I had to spend 5 minutes looking for the damn thing.  Chaos continues to be the plan.

* Speed was the same as last week, but took on more hills.  Also used a different vest.  Yes: I have many different weight vests: I am diseased.  This one was the Ironmaster vest, which I like more than the CAP vest because the weight sits high on the lungs vs around the hips, so it adds to the challenge.

* My right knee is still feeling junked up from yesterday.  Gonna make high rep squats tomorrow super fun.  

* Weather has gotten really nice, so hopefully this means more family walks in the future.  But tonight is Tang Soo Do.

Never seen such a hench looking Colossus before


  1. Do you feel like Low Handle Trap Bar Deadlifts place a great amount of stress on your knees? (moreso than normal deadlifts?)

    1. I had that feeling but thanks for confirming. It's easier on the lower back but i guess the stress has to go somewhere.

    2. I imagine it depends on the lifter as well. I'm an awful squatter, so that set up doesn't favor me at all.
