Friday, February 23, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3190

AM WORKOUT (0420 Wake up via alarm)

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 5, Workout 5

GIANT SETS (press-squat-chin)

Axle clean and strict press away

10x5x113 (doubled up on sets)

Buffalo Bar Squat






Weighted NG chins


GIANT SETS (press-shrug-BPA)

Axle clean and strict press away


Axle shrug against short strong bands bands



Band pull aparts



Buffalo Bar Squat (widowmaker)



3x10 standing ab wheel

75x180 reverse hyper

Lateral raise dropset


Short walk w/dog


* Came into this feeling so much better than I did yesterday.  Just night and day difference: amazing what a solid down day can do.  Was still not 100%, but definitely enough to be able to put in the work.  Only place where I could feel the effects was on the widowmaker: I was definitely giving it my all, but I could tell my body wasn’t ready to bypass the governor and swim out to deeper waters.  But discretion is the better part of valor, and it means I can really get stupid on the final week.

* Since the RX was 15 sets of presses today, I doubled up on the first round.  I’d hit a press, do the squat, do the chin, then do another set of presses before changing the weights on the squat and starting over.  Worked out very well: still kept the time on the shorter side for the workout.  I was feeling the fatigue toward the end there.

* My abs feel like they’re being ripped apart.  It’s interesting: on the squatting days, I can’t get a very full stretch on the ab wheel, but on the pull days I can go DEEP into that movement, and this tends to be the outcome of it.  Really just appreciating getting in that 3x10 each lifting session: seems to be the sweet spot.

* Calories were on the low side yesterday due to initial queasiness, but I DID manage to get in 3 whole eggs and a significant hunk of bison meatloaf made by my Valkyrie for dinner, which I’m sure had some restorative qualities.  Legit, if you asked me what it takes to heal: that’s the answer.

* Had to skip Tang Soo Do sparring last night, but, in turn, it meant that my Valkyrie and my kiddo took first and second place respectively in the Dojang sparring tournament.  Couldn’t be prouder.

Hey this is pretty sweet

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