Monday, February 19, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3187

Final crazy day of the weekend, and it actually was so crazy I could stick to part of the plan and get in a 5/3/1 workout in the afternoon.

**5/3/1 BUILDING THE MONOLITH** Week 5, Workout 1

SUPERSET (press-squat)

Axle clean and strict press away





Buffal Bar Squat






Buffalo Bar Squats

5x5x280 (30 seconds recover)

Band Pull Apart


100 chins and 200 dips in under 20 minutes 


3x10 ab wheel rollout

70x180 reverse hyper


* A very rare afternoon workout for me. I genuinely don't care to train in the afternoon as it feels "too easy".  I'm loose, limber, warm, and have some meals in me.  This is often a recipe for disaster, as I'll overreach and do something stupid.  It's why I stopped using Surge: I felt TOO good.  Here, I tried to make the most of it by blitzing through this workout.  I have 30 second "recovery" written on the squats because it wasn't a true 30 seconds rest, but once 30 seconds had passed I got back under the bar.

* Very strong pressing, and got a great pump out of it.  I was already 250 push ups deep into the day, and got in that insanity of burpees yesterday, so my front delts were on fire.  Actually made holding the squat bar a bit tough.

* Originally was doing 6 reps chins and 12 reps dips each round, but eventually broke it down to 5s.  Still got it done again in under 20 minutes.

* Those reverse hypers are really something. I am wiped out when they're done.  Definitely needs to stay in the rotation.

* Final day of feasting.  I am legit tired of eating, so this works out well. That said, the Mrs. hit me with a "you look HUGE" while I was hanging out in the kitchen in my wifebeater, so clearly the monolith got built.  Apparently I made the most of our Pizza Ranch outing today...and I STLL have a reservation at Texas de Brazil for Sunday, so that's gonna be my rampage meal.  Chaos remains the plan.

* Completely not training related, but we solved an escape room as a family today to celebrate presidents day, so that was pretty awesome.  And my Valkyrie made me a bison meatloaf for dinner, so that's doubly awesome.

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