Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Training Log: Entry 473

Deloaded on squats, bench and pull-ups.

Thinking I'm gonna nix my next 3 week cycle of the 3-5 and just jump back in to the Westside Barbell template.  I don't think I can realistically reach my goals in 3 more workouts, and my body is really starting to get racked up.  I think an extra day of rest after my deload will be ideal, and then I can get to work fixing some imbalances and strengthening some weak points.

Tried to cheat on my clean living and eat pizza tonight.  Managed 4 medium slices before I was too full to go on.  So much for packing in the calories.

Did some work with my new neck harness.  Loaded up a 25lb plate, did 2x15 for front raise and both side raise.  Technique needs a little work, but damn is it effective.  Keeping reps high for sake of safety.


  1. do you, wallsie, and funerealowlblood work out together or know each other? your workouts seem to kinda overlap a lot.

  2. I've gotten a lot of info out of him and some others that frequent GameFaqs, and been applying it lately. I've learned more about lifting in the past eight/ten months than I did in the six years prior.Other than that, we don't know one another personally. We're all cross-country from one another.

  3. They also all have a copy of "Beyond Bodybuilding" =P

  4. Indeed we do. Very useful little grouping of info.

  5. Lol.I will agree with you on that one. Everyone brings something different to the table, like a buffet of information. Take what you like!
