Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Training Log: Entry 469

Deadlifts of 395

Notes: Grip was slipping.  Need to stop doing gripper work the day before deadlifts.  Need to also buy chalk.  Might move the weight up.  I can blast the early sets just fine, grip is the only thing holding me back.

Overhead press of 185

Notes: Little too far back lean on these sets.  Was pretty blasted from deadlifts, and fatigued carried over here.  Next time should be fine.

Low pulley rows of 140

Notes: As usual, I'm starting a new cycle on my back work.  Form was sacraficed for weight, and have been doing a little more reading on proper form for rows.  Pinching shoulder blades together really helped, as did visualization.  Really felt the pull in my lats.


  1. What works for me on the rows is trying to pull with the elbows rather than the hands.

  2. And your comment about the 3x5 below makes sense. And hey, if you're making gains, who the hell cares!

  3. Yeah, I've been pulling with the elbows for a while, but leaning back a little too much on the row.  Thanks for the tip though.

  4. No probs. What are the low pulley rows exactly?

  5. Seated rows using a cable pulley that's close to the ground.

  6. I'm really proud of your progress.  While you're at work I'll try to get some chalk for you.  Thanks for all your help.  I'm almost to my squat goal!!!! Love you!
