Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Training Log: Entry 2414



Power cleans 140lbs

NG chins

Notes: 3:50 between sets.  This was a ROUGH workout.  Yesterday, I somehow pulled something on the left side of my groin.  I have a few operating theories.  My legs are still sore from the squats on Sat, and it's possible I bizarrely compensated in an attempt to move around the soreness and pulled a muscle.  In addition, it snowed yesterday, and it's possible I slipped slightly on the ice and strained something.  Whatever the reason, it was there.  However, what really made it tough as that, when I set up to do some clean pulls at the start of the workout, both hamstrings cramped up and refused to unlock. 

I called an audible, ditched the clean pulls and jumped straight into the cleans.  I knew the weight was light enough that I could just muscle my way through the workout.  I basically had to use the barbell to pull myself down into the clean position for the first rep, which was in turn like a deadlift and jump shrug.  Once I got through the first rep, I had an eccentric phase I could use to get back into a better position, and from there the rest of the set was manageable.

These were ugly, brutal cleans, but I got through it.  Glad I got the echo bar, because my hands and shins woulda been chewed to hell on the power bar.

I still owe 2 more sets of chins.  I'll get those done today.  I also owe 3 sets of clean pulls, but I think I'm willing to call that a wash for now.

Woke up at 201.4.  I've been throttling back on the force feeding and just letting things happen.  It seems I'm pretty primed for growth right now.

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