Sunday, March 21, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2373

AM WORKOUT (0640 natural wake up, PR for sleep) FASTED

Conditioning: "Dan John's Mistake"

Notes: Going to describe this: 95lb thrusters and 45lb kettlebell 1-armed swings, switching hands each rep.  Uses tabata intervals (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off) for 16 rounds (8 minutes total).  Alternate between thrusters and swings each round.  I like this, but think I still need to bring the weight down on the thrusters.  Last time, it was the pressing that was limiting, this time it was the front squat element of it.  Still got the heart rate up high, and the swings bring in an element of heavy-medium-light to the workout.  Room for snatches sometime too.

BBB BEEFCAKE Week 5, Day 1


CIRCUIT (chin-dead-neck) plate change rest between sets, 2 minutes before final pull


100 total reps

Axle deadlift (touch and go)






Neck harness 55

5 sets

SUPERSETS (dead-dip) 90 seconds rest between sets

Axle deadlifts TnG 345


Weighted Dips 55


Axle rows against bands (putting away plates between sets)


Axle shrugs against bands


Kroc rows 115


4 round circuit of

25 band face pulls

5 standing ab wheel

10 reverse hypers

25 band pushdowns

Notes: Family left town this morning, Mrs ran a half marathon, so I got my deadlift workout in early.  This went much better than I anticipated: at the last minute my wife switched plans and, instead of having Taco Bell before her race as fuel, she wanted to get the race over with and have it after as a celebratory meal.  So I came in hungry and underfed and crushed it.  I didn't "come alive" on the third set of BBB like I had been doing, but all the sets before that were strong enough that it didn't seem necessary.  Just firing on all cylinders.

On the Taco Bell front, this is cheat meal, and I've got a planned one on Friday now as well.  I have a Cheesy Gordita Crunch, which I haven't had in a LONG time, and then we ordered the nacho party platter with chicken instead of beef

Mrs and I had zero intention of eating the whole thing, but I had a handful of nachos and ate a decent amount of chicken and japalenos of the top.  I honestly can't tell if I'm exercising good portion control and better learning how to manage eating "normal food" with my diet OR if I'm slamming on the breaks in the presence of "dirty food".  I pretty much cut out all my daily saturated fats to make room for this meal, and also made it both lunch and dinner.  I'm fairly certain it means I underate.  I'm not ready to call this a victory yet, but it was still nice to be able to share a junky meal with the Mrs.

Going to get in a run tomorrow.  Race is looming.  I work 3 days in a row after that, with it going Early Shift-Afternoon Shift-Night Shift.  Be a tricky schedule.

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