Sunday, March 28, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2379

AM WORKOUT (0530 wake up) FASTED

100 six count burpees

5:38 (matches previous PR)

Neck bridging (10 each way)
20 standing ab wheel
40 reverse hypers
50 pull aparts
25 pushdowns
5 chins
5 dips

Notes: Wheels finally fell off the burpee train: made it to like 72 before I had to take my first pause.  At that point, I just gutted it out as fast as I could and at least matched my previous best.  My lower back was STIFF from yesterday's work, which is the whole reason I started doing the 100 burpees the day after: gets blood flowing all over the body and kicks some of the "old man" out of me.  

Keep meaning to write about it, but my kid's Tang So Do classes have been a blast to watch.  As much as it was cool to teach them Tae Kwon Do last year, this has been much better for our relationship to have an outside instructor.  I can assist and correct outside of class, but the primary instruction is out of my hands and that's ideal.  They did a sparring-like drill yesterday called "Dragon Tails", which is like flag-football meets sparring.  They had 4 strips of fabric tucked into their belts, and the objective is to take away your opponents strips while protecting your own.  Every single kid in the class adopted a strategy of turning their back and running to protect their strips, but MY kid was the only one that faced forward the whole time and aggressively pursued their opponent.  Consequently, they won both of their matches.  I know we're not supposed to keep score, but I did, and my kid did awesome.  I was way too proud of them.  

I was also proud of them when they bragged about how their dad taught them Tae Kwon Do, and when asked what their favorite move was from TKD, my kid replied the thai roundhouse kick.  Game recognizes game, haha.


  1. It's a real delight to read about the martial arts journey, that's so cool they're already dropping knowledge about styles.

    1. Absolutely. And kiddo just gave the Mrs and I the thumbs up to train alongside her, so now we're gonna be THAT family, haha. Coming full circle.
