Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2421


1 hour EMOM circuit

Minute 1: Jumping jacks

Minute 2: Air squats

Minute 3: Mountain climbers

Minute 4: Walking lunges

Minute 5: Shadow boxing

Minute 6: Burpees


Notes: Came up with this on the fly.  Just wanted to move for an hour.  Intensity wasn't super big, but good way to start the day.  Did an old school heart rate check of taking my pulse for 30 seconds and clocked in at 114.  Given my last resting heart rate was 46 after an energy drink, I suppose that means I did alright. 

I actually found something in my hotel room to do pull ups off of, and I'm doing some nordic hamstring curls off some furniture, so the daily work has pretty much continued uninterrupted as well.


Got in my daily work, and finished up with some tabata thrusters using this end table in my room

The handle is the diameter of an axle, and having all the weight toward the top made it off balance and a bit of a fight, which was cool.  My shoulders feel like they're going to fall off from those push ups, so this added some agony.

May go for a walk tomorrow.  There's a great fish taco place about 3 miles away: I can probably burn off most of the food getting there and back.

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