Friday, May 28, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2436

THURSDAY (travel day)

Mrs and I got our 3rd stripe in Tang Soo Do and can test for the next belt.

20 seconds on/10 off

Round 1: Burpees

Round 2: Air Squats

Round 3: Alternating KB snatch

Round 4: Alternating KB swing

First 20 rounds were done wearing 80lb vest, next 28 done without vest, final 8 rounds were just burpees and snatches, as they were higher impact and sucked the most. This was solid.


AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via dog) (fasted)

35 burpees

Chins ups off an I-beam alternating w/10 alternating KB swings (50 total reps of chins over several sets)

50 average band pull aparts

4 minute tabata 

Odd minute: alternating KB snatches

Even minute: burpees

10 second rests: 1 armed KB swings

Notes: Just something to get the heart rate up this morning since I was the only one awake.  Got Jack in the Box on the lunch menu today, so that's pretty awesome.  Otherwise, eating is taking a bit of a nose dive calorie wise, but just gives me something to rebound to when I get back.



20 seconds on/10 seconds off

First 24 rounds done with 80lb vest
Round 1: Burpees
Round 2: Squats
Round 3: Alternating KB snatches
Round 4: Alternating KB swings

Next 36 rounds bodyweight
Round 1: Burpees
Round 2: Alternating KB snatches

Notes: Really liking what I came up with here.  With the vest on, I need those easier "buffer" movements, as I tried to just go straight burpees and snatches and it was a no-sale.  Once I shake the vest I can put it into overdrive.  I was sucking wind at the end and moving around like a dude in a wild west barfight.  Always cool to see what I come up with when I have limited equipment.

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