Saturday, February 5, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2682

Slept until 0630, did a fasted workout of 21 rounds, tabata timing, of

40kg KB swings

45lb KB thrusters

Burpee chins


Talking about yesterday, it was a less than ideal day to end the ROM progression cycle, but I've appreciated just taking that day on like any other day vs building a ritual around it, so off I went.  Most interesting thing was how poorly my lifting belt fit.  Typically, I'm bloated coming off shift and its too snug, but that day it was much looser and was gripping in weird spots.  I could feel it move between reps.  Neither the very topset of 10 nor the backoff sets of 4s were me pushed to my absolute limit, but the degree of effort I was willing to put in after an overnight 12.

The EMOM work is STILL awful, and will most likely need to be a regular feature of mine in the future. Definitely a value added experience from this training cycle.

Tang Soo Do was basics night.  I've been drilling a series of movements over the past few weeks that were difficult for me to grasp and absolutely nailed it.  Got some kudos.

Realized kind of the big difference between what we're learning and what I learned in combat sports.  In the latter, it's assumed somewhat equal footing in terms of physicality (weight classes and such) and so you're learning how to go the distance, control the fight, endure, outwight, etc etc.  With traditional martial arts, it's assumed you're outmatched.  Someone bigger and stronger than you is wanting to start something.  It's why there's such a focus on "one shot one kill" sorta stuff.  You're probably only going to get one or two chances to do something, so you learn how to put as MUCH of yourself into one movement in the hopes it's enough.  As much as I don't care to chamber my punches because it drops my guard, I "get" that we do it to create torque into the ONE punch we're most likely going to get when the chips are down.  We don't need to keep our guard because this isn't going to become a boxing match: either we hit the dude and can get away or we were already f**ked.

I DO think we throw away a lot of that good will with non-contact sparring, because it drills pulling the very punches that we need to fully commit to, but such is life.  I also have to appreciate that, in most cases, I'm going to be the sand-kicking bully vs the 98lb weakling.


20 reps of Buffalo Bar Squat w/410+20 reps of texas deadlift bar touch and go deadlifts w/405

Used rest pause.  Squats went 12+4+4, deads went 8+6+6

2 mile weighted vest walk with dog

Notes: Honestly just plain didn't want to train today.  Coming off the 2 12s, staying up all day to reset my clock yesterday, deadlifted hard and heavy yesterday, wasn't feeling great.  Instead of the epic workout I'd been doing, I decided to just push the weight high and go for what I could.  Pleased with this.  Squat depth was junky because my knees are shooting WAY forward, and that's a consequence of my posterior chain still being pretty chewed up from yesterday's deads, but I'm happy with where my strength was for that, and I think it's nutty that I got those deads in 3 sets when that's how much it takes me to get 315 done normally.  

2 mile walk afterwards was agony, and I feel like I'm self-destructing now.  Good workout.

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