Friday, February 25, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2701

DEEP WATER BEGINNER Week 3, Workout 1 (out of sequence due to schedule)

AM WORKOUT (0255 natural wake up)

Warm up with 3x3 box jumps superset with squats

Buffalo Bar Squats


50 band pull aparts

KB front rack lunges


SUPERSET CIRCUIT (no rest between movements)

Reverse hyper


Standing ab wheel




Deadlifts (328lbs)-chins-dips


Time: 6:38

Notes: 2:45 between sets of squats. I absolutely murdered this workout. At set 2, I came up with the pun “Deep Slaughter” and just kept giggling to myself over it as I would set my alarm, steel myself and crush every single set. I think back to when I first ran this program, using significantly less weight, and how I needed to lay on my back between sets because I was so exhausted. It’s been an awesome transformation. I also am really starting to appreciate the old heads talking about the value of squats. I always believed in it, but I never REALLY put effort into squat mastery. I’m squatting every day in some capacity now, and I’ve transformed myself into a squatting machine, and the results have just been awesome. I feel like it’s had a huge impact on my physique and performance, and these workouts keep reinforcing that. The squat workout used to be my most dreaded in Deep Water, and now it’s the one I look forward to accomplishing because it’s so simple. Click the belt, unrack the bar, crush the set, rack, repeat.

Cool thing about my adjustable KBs is how small an adjustment I can make to them. I threw on a 2.5lb plate to each handle, for a 5lb total increase on the lunges, and it was perfect. And that means this week’s daily KB tabata front squat will be 5lbs heavier in total.

On the very first rep of that conditioning circuit I bumped the bar into the top of my knees and re-tore both scabs from last week’s deadlift workout. Blood instantly started gushing, to the point it made the bar slick and traveled up and now my legs easier. One interesting sign is that, previously, I used to only get the scab on my right knee. If nothing else, this is showing that my left leg is getting some size again 6-ish years after my ACL reconstruction. All things in time.

Pleased to get the whole Deep Water workout done before work. I have Tang Soo Do tonight. Another sparring night: usually a decent workout. I actually get a weekend in theory, so that will be awesome.

I feel like mentioning it was 3 degrees according to my truck. Garage was cold this morning. Know how you stay warm? 100 squats.


Tabata KB front squats w/52.5lb bells (8 reps per round)


1 hour Tang Soo Do class, focus on bag work and sparring.  Good workouts all around.

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