Thursday, February 24, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2700

DEEP WATER BEGINNER Week 2, Workout 5 (active recovery)

AM WORKOUT (0305 wake up via alarm) FASTED

19 rounds in 50 minutes of

5 KB front squats w/50lb bells

Sprint up hill

Jog down


50 chins

50 dips

40 reverse hypers w/90lbs

30 GHRs

20 standing ab wheels

50 band pull aparts

25 pushdowns

Notes: Being disciplined by making running the focus. As much as I’d want to make this some psychotic weighted carry kettlebell circuit with a hint of running, I need to get more time running in general so that my body is used to simply running for long durations. “Sprint” is a generous word for those later rounds, but I focused on pushing myself. Running after the squats is a decent gut check, but they weren’t exhausting squats, just enough to make things suck a little.

It was 6 degrees out before windchill, with some light snowfall. Peaceful.

For a quick recap on Tang Soo Do sparring last night, I genuinely dislike the ruleset because of the habits it ingrains in me, but I got to face off against the senior student vs the instructor last night, which was at least a good bit of variety. He’s much taller than me, but in poor cardiovascular shape, so it was mostly about making him move his big body a lot so he’d get fatigued and I’d find openings. We had a good shin connect at one point and years of losing feeling in my shins had it’s advantage.

Thinking about jumping straight into squats tomorrow, just due to time, and then taking the weekend for conditioning. Is that the program? No. But I’ll still grow.


Got in my daily Tabata KB front squats w/50lbs before getting the kid from school (got 10 on the final round) and then did a quick set of 10 clusters later in the evening.  Gonna Deep Water squat tomorrow for start of week 3.

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