Sunday, February 27, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2703

Got up at 0615 after sleeping off and on and got through 7 rounds of this in 11 minutes

2 bear complexes w/95lbs

5 burpee chins

2 bears

5 dips

Goal was 15 minutes, but I was summoned away. Such is life. 

Got in a tabata KB front squat workout with the 52.5lb bells, getting 8s across and 9 on the final round while taking out the post-breakfast trash.

Took the dog for a 2 mile walk while I wore the 80lb vest, then got in another round of Tabata KB front squats while taking out evening trash.  Got 10 reps on the final round: 8 for the rest.

Want to log a hellacious workout I heard from Dan John while I was walking the dog.

KB front squat ladders

5 rounds of 


I love Dan, because he'll spend 40 minutes saying "Train less, keep it light, recover" and then out of nowhere drop something like Tabata front squats or this insanity.  He reminds me a big of Kaz, who spends a lot of time expressing his faith and love of God but will then get berserker eyes and talk about absolutely crushing someone.  I love that duality.  A man should be at peace because of his great capacity for violence and destruction; not because of inherent meekness.

I've traveling soon to be with family.  Planning on packing the KBs.  I can easily see that workout featuring.


  1. I got a laugh out of that Kaz analysis, haha. Do you ever get curious questions from people about walking your dog with a weight vest or is it pretty inconspicuous?

    1. I love me some Kaz, haha. I'm always listening to a podcast or music while I'm walking the dog, so even if there ARE questions, I don't hear them. But I've learned a while ago that, as long as I act like what I'm doing is normal, others will as well. It's a fun human trick. If you act shifty, people treat you that way. Act "natural" and people don't want to point out that the emperor has no clothes.
