Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2685

AM WORKOUT (0312 natural wake up) FASTED


Let me describe this one.

I have the prowler set up with 90lbs loaded on it.  Right next to it are 2 45lb KBs.  I have a marker placed 60 paces ahead, and then another marker placed 60 paces ahead of that one.

* At the start of the round, I pick up the bells and do 3 KB thrusters, then farmer’s walk them 60 paces. 

* Run back to the prowler, low handle push it to the bells

* Pick the bells up, 3 thrusters, farmers walk 60 paces

* Run back to prowler, low handle push to the bells

* Pick the bells up, front squat 3 reps

* Keep the bells in the front rack position, walk 60 paces

* Front squat 3 reps

* Keep the bells in the front rack position, walk 60 paces

* Front squat 3 reps

* Set bells down, run 120 paces back to prowler

* Get prowler to the bells.  I rotated this movement.  I went high handle push for the 1st round, backwards drag second, high handle push third, forward drag fourth, then repeated that whole sequence

That is ONE round.  I did 8 of them in 50:58

Ended the workout with KB front rack walking lunges for 10 paces, drank my post workout shake, got home and did the following

50 dips

50 pull aparts

40 reverse hypers w/50lbs

25 pushdowns

20 standing ab wheels

Neck work

40 burpee chins in 5 minutes

10 chins

Notes: That was like THE prowler workout.  I caught some prowler flu bad.  Breathing hard, doubled over, lots of swearing.  With Deep Water coming up, the prowler is going to feature less in my training, so I wanted to really get in something good here, and I absolutely did.  Name is based around it being a lot of Dan John inspired stuff, farmer’s walks with the bells, and a modified “Eagle” workout that, in turn, I’ve dubbed “The Turkey”.  

Seriously though, this was magic.


Tabata KB front squats w/45lb bells

Notes: Got 9 reps each round.  Awesome.  Also, Ironmaster got their KB handles back in stock so I ordered a second one.  This GREATLY expands my KB options for the future.  I'm excited about that.  I'm actually thinking of running Deep Water with KB cleans vs barbell at this point.  Time will tell.

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