Saturday, February 12, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2688

Slept off and on until about 0615 and did the following fasted

COMRADE FRAN (45lb KBs, strict chins)

21-15-9 in 6:14

Immediately from there, I did a circuit like this

1 Dan John armor complex with KBs

10 dips


5 standing ab wheels

Repeat until 50 dips and 20 ab wheels done, got in 5 more chins to get my 50, 1 more armor complex, then closed it with 50 KB swings w/40kg bell, 50 pull aparts and 25 pushdowns.

We're going 1 more Tang Soo Do class today to make up for missing class last week, so I got that on my schedule.  Otherwise, easing into the first Deep Water workout.  More conditioning ahead, but that's about it.  Superbowl tomorrow, so we're gonna eat something good.

1 hour of Tang Soo Do in the AM


Tabata KB front squats with 8 reps per round with bells held in front rack the entire time (made it through round 7 before having to reclean)

40 reverse hypers w/50lbs

Neck work

Tabata KB front squats with 9 reps per round (bells held in hands at the side during downtime)

Notes: Finished up that second Tabata and said to myself "That was REAL stupid".  Always a good sign.  That front rack deal is a serious challenge mentally while the other is a physical challenge.  Stacking them both is gold.

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