Wednesday, September 6, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3054

AM WORKOUT (0515 wake up via alarm)

**JUGGERYOKE** 4 Day Variant (just for this week) Week 3, Day 1: Squats and Presses




Odd sets superset w/KB hammer curls

Even sets superset w/hanging leg raise+10 lat shrugs


Log clean and push press away/front squat superset




Barbell skullcrusher



5.65 mile walk


* Dropped my folks off at the airport today, so got in some training first thing and then training after that, went and saw the Mrs for lunch and got in a walk.  Also made today a protein sparring modified fasting day too, making it a full reset from this time of eating well (still carnivore, just big) and training lightly.  A walk vs intense conditioning was just what the doctor ordered.  I had to use the heavier knee sleeves today just to keep things locked down and secured.

* I'm using the 3-4 Day variant of the program since I lost 2 days of training this week.  Happy Jamie has that as an option.  Come Monday next week, I'll be back on track.

* Had to drop weights in a few spots to compensate for how fast I was moving.

* Haven't had a carb up in 2 weeks and it's showing.  I am totally flattened out.   We MAY have an opportunity to make it happen this week now that schedules aren't as explosive.

* Haven't been doing the best staying on top of my daily push ups and squats.  I'm getting in SOME, but not always all.

* We switched to Tang Soo Do on Tuesdays and Fridays, and last night's class was a killer workout.


  1. Hey Mythicalstrength, doesn't Conan the Barbarian not fit a lot of the barbarian archetype? Conan seemed like he was outrageously good at every aspect of battle, fastest guy around, strongest guy around, gentlemanliest guy around. He just didn't know magic but otherwise he's the best at everything. Kinda like a Batman type.

    1. Come to think of it, D&D Barbarians are more like preworkout gym bros because of their reliance on the Rage Skill to be at their best.

      Anyways, been enjoying exploring Conan/D&D Lore because of your numerous mentions. Great stuff man.

    2. Glad you dig it dude! The Hyborian age is a little different from the DnD setting, which could also contribute to what you're observing. It's all fantastic stuff.
