Friday, September 22, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3068

AM WORKOUT (0420 wake up via alarm, pity party for 8 minutes)


EMOM Buffalo Bar Squat

25 rounds of 1x225+chains

Axle shrugs against strong short bands

6x3 (set every 30 seconds)


SUPERSET (press-abs)

Axle clean and strict press away




6+1 push pressx128

Hanging leg raise w/10 lat shrugs



Walk w/dog


* It’s been so long since I’ve done a legit Famine that I forgot about how I tend to lose training motivation toward the end of it, but fully felt it this morning.  I had set my alarm 5 minutes earlier than usual to give myself enough time to get through this day’s training session, because it’s always a bear, but today I just flat out did NOT want to do it.  So I set the alarm 30 minutes later, had a pity party, then made some compromises and did SOMETHING that was similar to what today’s intent was.  I took the weights down, because I’m feeling pretty beat up, and managed to keep the intensity decently strong.  I dig how deep I got on every set of squats while not needing to tap to straps.  Setting up the shrugs was a total clown show: I’m feeling the reduced bodyweight when it comes to trying to get the bands stretched.  VERY happy with the press.  It’s awesome to see that moving in a good direction.

* Had to cut a few things short due to the time compromise, and the fact I got in 10 more sets of squats than usual.  Managed to get the dog walked.  We had a ton of rain last night, but we hit a break in it just in time.

* Mrs comes home today and life returns to normal, to include nutrition.  I’ve already got 2 half racks of pork ribs and some bone-in lamb chops thawing in the fridge in prep for next week.  Going to make the most of the super compensation effect and eat big and well leading up to the comp.  I’m planning on keeping it carnivore DURING the comp as well, vs my typical carb binge strategy.  I feel like I’m a bit too adapted at this point to try to introduce different foods for performance.  I’m sure after the comp I’ll be feeling the need to eat big, but even then, I might celebrate with some carnivore feast and save the carbs for Sunday.

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