Wednesday, September 13, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3060

AM WORKOUT (0405 wake up via alarm)

**JUGGERYOKE** Week 4, Workout 3: High Pulls, Bench and Squat

GIANT SET: Pull-bench-pull (performed in a circuit)

Trap Bar High Pulls


Axle incline bench


Band pull aparts


GIANT SET: Bench-abs-raise

Axle pause bench press


Standing ab wheel


Lateral raises


2x10x10 (full ROM)

Buffalo Bar Squats (3 min on/1 min rest/3 min on)


1x39 (4 rep PR from previous best)

1 mile walk


Walk with dog


* Knee is feeling solid.  Achy, a touch wobbly, but very performance ready and capable.  I was actually pretty shocked when the timer ran out on the first set of squats and I was only at 49, as I felt like I was moving even quicker than my previous attempt.  The PR on the second set was a good compensation.  But on that note, I do imagine squat style played a role in it, as my heels are practically touching at this point.  I keep bringing the stance in closer and closer to see what happens.  It’s been nice playing around and developing strength at new angles, especially going beltless through it all.  This program has been good for lesson learning and getting out of my comfort zone.

* The flat bench work is really coming along.  Those and my dips.  This program has been pretty solid for my horizontal pressing, although I also wasn’t doing ANY of that for the 6 weeks I was doing Easy Strength, so perhaps that plays a role.

* The improved knee health also allowed me to be a bit more explosive and consistent with the high pulls.  

* Schedule remains nutty, so getting in walks where I can.

* I’m on a 5 day streak of no coffee or energy drinks.  I’ve honestly just plain lost my taste for them.  They don’t sound appealing any more.  Observing no decline in capabilities: I imagine my tolerance was so high they weren’t “working” any more.  But also no withdraw symptoms either.  Really think I’ve just hit another cornerstone in healing.

* Had a repeat experience last night: I had a little bit of Oiko’s “Triple Zero” greek yogurt, which I consider in the realm of “dirty carnivore”, as it’s mostly good, animal based stuff but still has a little bit of trickery in it.  Both times I’ve had it, within minutes, I start sweating profusely, much like when I’d overdo carbs on a cheat meal.  There’s only 5g of carbs in one of these, and I had like a 3rd of a container, so I can’t imagine it’s a carbohydrate response, but SOMETHING in my body receives this and starts triggering the metabolic rate.  Interesting data point.

Huge piedmontese haul.  This was half of it

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