Wednesday, December 13, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3135

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm)


(2) Axle mat pulls w/rest pause


20 minutes of

* 10 Klokov presses w/66lbs

* 10 dips

* 10 full ROM lateral raises w/10lbs

* 15 pull aparts

6 rounds completed

Breathing squats w/pullovers



Poundstone curls



Walk w/wolf while wearing 50lb vest


* Mixed bag today.  That was the best performance I’ve had on the mat pulls.  I actually coulda hit 6 on that first set, but the straps slipped, so I got the extra rep on the follow on instead.  Meanwhile, my lower back was totally overtaxed on the squats, and I ran into fatigue way too soon.  However, in both cases, minimal pain in the right hip, which is a victory.  I feel like both results are speaking to the weight loss: belt fit better and I could get into a better position on the pulls, but the cals are low and the waist is smaller, making the squats suck.  I may give the squats one more effort to see how it goes and evaluate how to close out the program from there.  I’m not eating to support growth in 20 rep squats, but I’m close to the finish.  

* Using a kettlebell handle for pull overs is really awesome.  Gotta remember that for the future.

* That press circuit is a modification of what I was doing back when I had my best pressing results.  Just a classic circuit.  My shoulders were blown up when it was done.

* Happy that I went with the vest today.  I was feeling beat to hell, but it was for the best.

* As of last night, I am the dojang sparring champion.  There’s not much victory there: the majority of the class is children.  I DID beat the senior student, which is a high school kid with and attitude problem, and that was rewarding.  For everyone else, I hamstrung myself as much as possible.  Only 3 hand techniques are allowed in sparring: front punch, reverse punch and side punch, and there’s no striking to the head allowed.  So I restricted myself to hands only and crouched REALLY low so I could present my head as a target.  Basically went back to my boxing roots.  

* Weighed in at 172lbs this morning.  Down 2.5lbs from last week.  Give or take.  Bathroom scale is set to kilos for some reason.

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