Tuesday, December 19, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3140

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 9, Workout 2 “Noble Savage”

Log Viper Kalsu

135lb log

100 reps, but EMOM do 5 burpees

Done in 44 rounds

15 minutes of assistance work (3x10 standing wheel of pain, 50 pull aparts, 25 conan curls/25 pushdowns, lateral raise dropset)


Walk with wolf (no vest)


* Went to sleep wanting to do this workout and woke up wanting to do it.  That’s an outstanding sign.  This is like “catfish week”, which might actually be how I approach the deload on “Chaos is the Plan: The Plan”.   Shaking things up has been refreshing, and it’s hitting at the point in the program where I was experiencing the most significant degree of burnout.  Along with that, I got this workout done in about the same time as I usually do, and that’s at a bodyweight of 20-25lbs lower than before.  That’s just plain stellar.  And upon reflection, I realize that all my training up to this point has basically turned me into a “Kalsu machine”.  I’ve mastered taking things off the floor and putting them over my head, my conditioning is top notch, but the dirty little secret is that all those breathing squats have significantly improved/maintained my mobility.  That was a total gamechanger for how Kalsu ran, as every attempt prior to this would absolutely murder my lower back, because I couldn’t get into a low lap position for the log, so I’d end up back extending it into place vs cleaning.  Being able to hit that low set up with every single rep kept the back pain to a minimum, allowed me to maximize the input from my legs, and, in turn, made it so I didn’t have any “empty rounds” on Kalsu.  Previous attempts would have at least 1 round where I did only burpees, but here every round had at least ONE viper press, and really, the only reason I had a single round (rep 86 IIRC) was I went too fast with the log and sent it behind my head, so I had to drop the rep and regroup.  In general, I felt the best after this Kalsu than I did after any other one in the past, which is awesome AND a slight amount of a letdown, as I wanted to be completely floored when this was over, haha.

* I am proud of myself for hitting up the ab wheel as part of my assistance.  In the past, abs were the first thing I’d neglect when left to my own devices.  I’m still bad about training my calves, but little steps.  I also included an ab wheel plank at the end, which I really dig.

* Went without the vest this morning.  It was 26 degrees with strong winds, and I wanted to get my wolf back inside quickly.  She’s 13: she’s earned pampering.  Her and I get “meat treats” at the end of our walks.  For her, it’s leftovers, and for me it’s liver.

* Tang Soo Do tonight.  We should find out who is the sparring champion of the Dojang.  I didn’t give up any points last week, but I didn’t have a great deal of competition.

* I’m going for a famine until Friday this week, which will be 3 workweeks of famine.  I’m super lean again, which isn’t the goal but is a good indication of the success of the method.  In terms of physique impact of “Chaos is the Plan: The Plan”, my upperbody has definitely gained some mass and I’m filling out my t-shirt sleeves again.  What’s unique, and I should have anticipated it, is how much my obliques filled out while I still got lean.  Where my pants sit has gotten so lean that my size 30” jeans are sliding off of me, but my waist proper has thickened up, which gives me an interesting look where I have veins on my abs and obliques while being blocky.  Very unique combination of lean and thick.  Legs are pretty thick with “only 3 sets” of  squats per week, but there’s something to be said about all the burpees and the prisoner squats, along with thrusters when they happen.  I DO still feel like I should get in some more GHRs and reverse hypers on my next training cycles.  There’s a reason I used to include those in my daily work.  I SHOULD also do some rows, but man, I’m so terrible about doing them.  That is the reason I bought a rower: to get in more rowing.  But pretty much any time I COULD do some rowing, I do something else.

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