Saturday, December 23, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3144

Life is gonna be wild for the next 2 weeks.  All great stuff.  Family, feasting, healing.

Slept in, 50 push ups and squats, great breakfast, a workout of 5 minutes of 50lb weighted vest burpees and a walk with the wolf, chores, delicious lunch, and then this awesomely inspired workout

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 9, Workout 5: "War of the Amazons"

Alternate between Grace and Fran with EMOMs.  Go until both WODs are finished.  This is just AWESOME, because switching each minute keeps you far more honest for the sake of intensity.  And I could blend even more WODs into this.  I got this done within 16 rounds.

Family came into town, went out to Culver's for dinner, they accidentally put too much swiss cheese on my 5 burger patties, which is a mistake I didn't feel like correcting.  Let's hear it for the feast!

Tomorrow we feast even more, because we do up Christmas Eve big so we can do leftovers on Christmas day so that no one has to cook.  It's brilliant.