Thursday, December 21, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 3142

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN: THE CIMMERIAN CHRONICLE** Week 9, Workout 4 “Aesir Prisoner & Spartan Conscript”

50 minute workout

EMOM, do 3 Viking thrusters w/95lbs on axle, then 6 prisoner squats and 6 push ups 

*10% corollary*

20 standing wheels of pain

50 pull aparts

50 lateral raises w/2.5lbs, 50 with empty hands


Walk with wolf (no vest)


* Felt some quad soreness this morning upon waking, but nothing like I’d expect after the squat effort yesterday.  I’m going to attribute that primarily to nutrition and all the daily squats.  It’s really been pretty incredible: my ability to recover.  Hell, I’m putting weight over my head at LEAST 5 days a week, and often 7 days a week, and my shoulders are doing just fine.  My right shoulder is a little clicky these days, but I attribute that more toward dorking it up a touch on my grappling competition, which I went to with zero deload and just called it a training day.  This has been a fantastic GPP protocol, because I am absolutely ready for anything.  All that said, I DO think I’m going down with a slight cold.  Just got that general crummy feeling.

* I genuinely despise thrusters, which is why I did them.  I could see myself avoiding them in all of my workouts.  Viking/landmine thrusters are at least a good compromise, as they can allow for some fatigue/slop without disastrous outcomes, however cleaning the handle into place is make or break.

* This is like Kalsu flipped upside down: open with thrusters, then do bodyweight work.  I went with prisoner squats and push ups so I could sneak in my daily totals.  That originally wasn’t the plan (because Chaos is), but after the first round I realized that if I went for 6 reps instead of 5 and pushed for 50 rounds I could make it happen.  So 150 thrusters and 300 squats and push ups…the day after 77x185.  F- -k I am so stupid.

* Story behind the name: Our Cimmerian once again finds himself under lock and key with the Aesir, but in their battle with the Spartans he finds freedom, so long as he swears a new loyalty and endures their rigorous training. So keep form on those push ups!

Another way I'm real stupid is I found ANOTHER burger challenge in town that I'm seriously contemplating...

Only 30 minutes to eat this, vs 45.  But it doesn't have any onions, compared to that last beast.  Also no fried eggs, bacon or peanut butter.  But it DOES have a lot more bread.  I already have a strategy in my head...but I also told my Valkrie I was retired after that last one...

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